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Astrobiology: Exploring the universe for signs of extra-terrestrial life

The only life forms we know about are the ones that exist on Earth. Due to advancements in space exploration, it has become possible to send rovers, probes, space crafts, and telescopes in further deep space. With the help of...

A list of scholarships for women in Science

A significant fraction of the advances in science and technology arises due to seminal contributions by women - all the while tackling a series of battles against social norms and skewed opportunities. Even today, there exists a lack of representation...

Mendeley Reference Manager

Being involved in research means dealing with a lot of papers on a day to day basis. Be it reading them, organizing them, or referencing them we often face a perilous task. A collection of scores of pdf documents scattered...

Voices of the Women in Science - A list of books on women scientists

Progress is possible only when everyone capable of contributing is given an equal chance irrespective of gender, community and nationality. While there is a long way to go before this gap is fulfilled, it should be noted that we as...

Mass of the Black Hole in the nearby AGN: Mrk 590

Most of the massive galaxies in the Universe host a supermassive black hole (SMBH) at their center. A minority among them are known as active galaxies and host active galactic nuclei (AGNs). These AGN are believed to be powered by...

Measuring the ages of the Earth and Moon

A popular article exploring how the ages of the Earth and Moon were measured.