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Investigating the massive plasma blobs from the Sun using an ‘in-situ’ eye

This article is about investigating the characteristics of Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejections using in-situ observation. ICMEs are well-known to expand as they propagate through the heliosphere. Despite this, their cross-sections are usually modeled as static plasma columns within the magnetohydrodynamics...

'Where’s the Shadow?' - A workshop in preparation for Zero Shadow Day

The Cosmology Education and Research Training Centre (COSMOS) is an upcoming state-of-the-art planetarium, along with a data training centre and resource centre in Mysuru. The Indian Institute of Astrophysics (IIA) has formed an Education and Public Outreach Committee (EPOC) for...

India’s expanding Cosmology community

‘Frontiers in Cosmology’ was a five-day international conference held at Raman Research Institute (RRI) during February 20 – 24, 2023. More than 100 participants including researchers, scientists, students and faculties from around the world attended the meet.

Proceedings of the National Seminar on Advances in Astrophysics and Space Science Research (NSAAASSR) 2023

The Department of Physics and Electronics at CHRIST (Deemed to be University) in Bangalore, Karnataka, organised the National Seminar on Advances in Astrophysics and Space Science Research (NSAASSR) from February 13 to 15, 2023. The seminar was organised as part...

Why do some Active Galactic Nuclei Change their Look?

An active galactic nucleus (AGN) is powered by the matter accreting onto the central supermassive black hole (SMBH) at the centre of a galaxy. Changing look (CL) AGNs are those sources that show rapid change in the column density of...

Solar cycle 25 is going to be a bit stronger than cycle 24!

Forecasting the strength of the solar cycle is of the utmost importance because it affects space weather and our technology-based society. By a riveting feature of the solar cycles, i.e. Waldmeier effect (WE2), we find a linear relationship between the...