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Nuclear Pasta in the crust of neutron star

The article discusses the structure of the neutron star crust. In the neutron star’s crust, exotic structures commonly known as “nuclear pasta” are believed to exist. The pasta structure impacts various structural, thermal and transport properties of the crust and...

Imploding Cometary Clouds: An Astronomer's Perspective

The interstellar molecular clouds are the high-density regions between the stars having elements in the molecular phase. These clouds usually come up with different structures based on the influence of nearby massive ionizing stars. Also, these stars can either hinder...

Can missing physics in gravitational waveforms mimic false violations of general relativity?

General theory of relativity proposed by Albert Einstein in 1915 has passed all the experimental and observational tests with flying colors. Gravitational waves from the merger of compact binaries such as black holes and neutron stars provide a unique opportunity...

Using a pseudo-Kerr formalism to study accretion and wind flows around rotating black holes

Hydrodynamic flows around black holes is a fascinating area of research that provides a window into the processes that power relativistic jets and energetic particle acceleration. However, this is a challenging task when studied using the full general relativistic framework....

Exploring the topology of hydrogen distribution in the early universe

We study how galaxies and other sources in the early universe change the neutral universe or InterGalactic Medium (IGM) into the ionized one. We compare different kinds of source models and how they ionize the neutral universe which mainly consists...

Astrophysical autopsy of a cosmic demise

As the saying goes, “न कंचित् शाश्वतम्” (lit. Nothing is permanent), and hence the nature of this universe. The ever-evolving twinkles in the starry night are also non-discriminate towards this concept. If a star is born, it ought to die....