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Classical Ae stars: What are they? Why study them?

Starting from the history of star classification in the millinniums, this interesting note will take you through some of the very basic concepts on emission-line stars. You will be able to understand what they are and why these type of...

Shedding Light on the Cosmic Web with Fast Radio Bursts

Fast Radio Bursts are millisecond-duration radio transients of extragalactic origin. Their dispersion measures are sensitive to the presence of ionized matter along their lines of sight. This unique measurable makes FRBs a promising cosmological probe that can shed light on...

Using machine learning to infer Solar coronal heating

This article traces the origins of the coronal heating problem, and describes in vivid detail our efforts in resolving this through machine learning. This is a non-technical article based on our paper, but references have been appended for the interested...

Bar Buckling and Boxy/Peanut Bulges as the Tracer of Dark Matter Halo Shape

Galaxies reside in the deep potential of invisible matter called dark matter. Their dynamics is significantly affected by the distribution of dark matter around them. Distribution of dark matter around galaxies is usually known as dark matter halo. Most of...

Using GitHub for Academic Research

GitHub has become the go-to tool for software engineers across the world to keep their codes together and collaborate with each other. Being easy, seamless, and available on all the platforms makes it a brilliant choice indeed.

How strong is a neutron star's magnetic field?

Estimating the strength of the magnetic field of a neutron star in a binary star system ‘Cen X-3’